senior dog food guide

CBD and Senior Pets

We all love our furry friends and want only the best for them. When they get older, we want them to live out the rest of their lives in health and comfort. CBD can be a great addition to you and your pet’s daily routine, no matter what age they are! How does CBD help…


CBD for Epilepsy

When it comes to scientific and medical advancements, CBD is one of the most fast paced niches within both communities. The versatility of this specific cannabinoid has opened up new pathways for potential medical advancement. Recent studies have explored the use of CBD for medical conditions like Epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is…

Secret Nature Smokable CBD Flower

Smokable CBD Flower

Smokable CBD flower has been gaining popularity in the CBD market for some time now. Many individuals who smoke CBD flower do so for the calming effects. But sometimes, having a CBD flower product you can grab on the go is exactly what you need. Joints made with smokable CBD flower is a must-have for…



Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD for short, is a problem that plagues millions of people across the US. According to the US Department of Veteran Affairs, “About 12 million adults in the U.S. have PTSD during a given year. This is only a small portion of those who have gone through a trauma.” This…

Hemp Saves The World

Hemp Saves The World

What is going on with the planet? One of the biggest concerns regarding Earth’s wellbeing is the damage done by overuse of the soil, harmful pesticides, and other damage. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, “Increases in land conversion and agricultural intensification accelerate the loss of soil biodiversity and, as a result, have contributed…